It seems an awfully long time since I posted. Life just gets busy, sometimes. Priorities shift, stuff happens... You know.
Late last year I did some refocusing on my mental health as I recovered from a bout of depression. Then I caught a nasty virus. Then Christmas arrived with too much drama.
On Christmas Eve, my daughter and her sons came to visit. My son, daughter-in-law and their daughters arrived. One of the boys threw up. My son and his family left, wanting to avoid getting sick. Well, every day for about two weeks someone else got sick. I think it was norovirus. Ugly, short-lived and very contagious. I cooked a full turkey dinner, which three of us picked at. We shuffled around like zombies and tried to support each other until we all felt well and were symptom-free.Maybe this Christmas will be better.
It was just one of those things, but it hit hard emotionally. I had hand woven a basket for each family and filled it with treats, including some tea towels I had also woven. I had made something for each of the grankids and was looking forward to having fun with them. So much thought and effort for an entirely disappointing experience. It took a few weeks to bounce back from the illness and disappointment.
One of our granddaughters had started preschool, so we only had one of the girls five days a week. Both girls on Mondays and Fridays. We each started taking one day per week for ourselves. I enjoyed my Thursdays; I had a facial, got some studio time, tried new restaurants and enjoyed shopping. Sadly for everyone, the preschool closed and we were back to both girls every day. We go to storytime at the library twice a week, go for trike and bike rides to local playgrounds, sometimes we bake together and there always seems to be a child in my lap with a book. This phenomenon also occurs when our grandsons come to visit.
It is a delight and a privilege to watch these kids grow, learn to ride a bike or use scissors or plant seeds. Lots of learning letters, shapes and colors. Stopping to watch ants and listening to the birds. Both granddaughters are scheduled to start full-time preschool this summer. Our days will be our own, and I will miss them a lot. I plan to stay with regular walks to the park and library visits, and we have discovered a great coffee shop. There is great value in small routines.
Our next adventure is only a few weeks away. We are flying to Spain, taking a cruise in the Mediterranean, around Gibraltar and up the coast of Portugal, crossing the English Channel and then spending a few days in England before we fly home. We are learning Spanish, which my son tells me I speak with a French accent! How clever of me.
It's good to do things that keep you grounded and engaged, and it's good to go on adventures. What's your next adventure going to be?